BX reached Settler's first. Keeps promoting his favourite game, Balderdash. Claims that its meant for crappers like him.
Chao Chou was there, on time as usual, with Juan.
Ben and XX came at about 8pm, both hungry and tired.. XX came even though she was falling sick!
Juan, Grace and Ben
And then Cher came. She was jioed by Loti but Loti did not turn up!
Followed by Seng and his girlfriend, Angela
Erms, forgot to take Lynn's photo when she was there. >.<" But yah, she was there and then all played the game called "Ugly Dolls". Chao Chou and Juan just played this game at Mind Cafe with Oh My Chou Family last Sunday...
After the games, Seng sent Chao Chou and Juan home to SengKang!! Woots! Thanks to his girlfriend, Angela, who also stays in SK. More incentive to organise night outings for Relentless! Free ride home.. hahaha
Looking forward to the next Relentless Outing... Seafood? Settlers? KTV?