Oh My Chou family dinner was fixed on 25th August. The venue was at swissotel Merchant Court. Chao Chou heard that its going to be an expensive dinner buffet and deliberately woke up late on that day to skip both breakfast and lunch. Oh My Chou family was suppose to meet 630 at Clarke Quay MRT. But when Chao Chou reached the MRT station at 615, the super excited Kiki Chou was already there waiting...
After 5 mins, Chou Chou came along. Chao Chou started to feel uneasy. He wanted to ask Chou Chou something. But as usual, he was too shy to ask.
By around 645-650, most of the Chous reached. They started to make their way to the restaurant. Everyone were excited about the feast. Chao Chou managed to put the uneasiness behind his head for the time being...
There are many ways to describe the food there:
Using one word: 赞!
Using two words: 超赞!
Using three words: 没话说!
Using a sentence: 赞, 超赞, 没话说!
A picture paints a thousand words.
Shi Chou with Bas Chou. She was in the midst of cleaning her mouth. She cleaned her mouth and teeth every time she takes a photo that night during the meal.... so busy..
Yan Chou showing her hungry side.. With a plateful of food on her table and still wanna get a bite of Da Chou's durian pudding! Greedy!! No wonder she can skip the next 5 meals after the buffet..
Left to right: Yeong Chou, Foo Chou (or Hu Chou), Kiki Chou, Ming Chou, EeeEeeeeeee Chou and CHOU CHOU!
Da Chou, Zhen Chou, Chao Chou and Bear Chou are just the background of this photo. The 焦点 of this photo is the beige paper bag in the left foreground of the picture.... (to be continued)
Back row (left to right): Yan Chou, Shi Chou, EeeEeeeeeee Chou, Pei Chou
Front row (Left to right): Mond Chou, Zhen Chou, And Chou and Oink-Si Chou
Front row (Left to right): Mond Chou, Zhen Chou, And Chou and Oink-Si Chou
Back row (left to right): Chao Chou, Shi Chou, Da Chou
Front row (Left to right): Zhen Chou, Yan Chou and And Chou
Front row (Left to right): Zhen Chou, Yan Chou and And Chou
Chao Chou have been wanting to take photo with this bill since Oh My Chou Final Meeting. A $1000 ++ bill! HOLY SHIT!
...... continuing..... Yes! These Ang Baos were inside the beige paper bag! Look carefully at the Ang Bao at the extreme left!! These are 'BIG' Ang Baos for all 25 of the Chou Family for their hard work which accounts for their smell. 25 Ang Baos with this amount inside the paper bag! Can you imagine??
After the FREE meal and big Ang Bao, the Chou Family proceeds to Suntec City to watch the show Ratatouille (Rat-a-too-ee). The movies tickets are paid for too! $9.50 per person plus free drinks! What a great night!
Getting to Suntec wasn't easy though. It was quite a long walk plus the Chou Family's crave to take photo...
While on the way, Chao Chou talked to And Chou and the mystery to his uneasiness was solved..
And Chou: Ehhs you know hor.. Just now Chou Chou came from kayaking and she thought she was going to be late and she never bath.
Chao Chou: Arghh!! No wonder!! Just now when she reached the MRT I felt so uneasy!!
(Chao Chou and And Chou confronted Chou Chou)
Chao Chou: Ehhs, just now you go kayak never bath then come here ahh??
Chou Chou: Yah lah! I thought I was going to be late so I rushed over lo! In the end I reached so early and everyone else was late.. 早知道我冲凉了才来咯!
Chao Chou: Wahs! 难怪刚才他们拍照拍到这样!
Chou Chou: Hahahah! And hor I tell you, the towel I use to wipe myself just now drop onto the floor lo. I was so pissed. Lucky I wipe until left my leg there liao. And I reacted very fast! The moment the towel touch the ground I picked it up le.. Still clean... 3 seconds rule ma... still clean lo... no germs yet...
Chao Chou walks off. Although he wanted to be a nicer guy, he really cannot resist the temptation to post the pictures he took just now at the restaurant... after what Chou Chou said..
Back to the dinner, Dam Chou decides to take a photo with Chou Chou, EeeEeeeeeee Chou and Oink-Si Chou. The photographer was Chao Chou...
Chao Chou was shocked to see photo.
Chao Chou: Ehhs, you all stop whatever you all are doing and take photo lehs? Take nice nice de.. Ok ready, 1, 2, 3!
This picture was named "ChouChouCantStopRoxing".